As the rights of our LGBTQ+ communities are under constant attack, it is essential that we are able to show an accurate statistical picture of who we are in Central Florida. Through this completely anonymous survey, you can help One Orlando Alliance identify the needs and strengths present in all of our diverse intersections of identity. This data will be used by our coalition of 40 LGBTQ+ serving organizations to create strategic responses to community needs, unlock financial resources to address these needs, and become a snapshot of our current reality against which we can measure our future progress.


Dado que los derechos de nuestras comunidades LGBTQ+ están bajo constante ataque, es esencial que podamos mostrar una imagen precisa de quiénes somos en la Florida Central.  A través de esta encuesta completamente anónima, puede ayudar a One Orlando Alliance a identificar las necesidades y fortalezas presentes en todas nuestras diversas intersecciones de identidad.  Esta información será utilizada por nuestra coalición de 40 organizaciones LGBTQ+ para crear respuestas estratégicas a las necesidades de la comunidad, desbloquear recursos financieros para abordar estas necesidades y convertirse en una instantánea de nuestra realidad actual contra la cual podemos medir nuestro progreso futuro.


Support One Orlando Alliance

The greatest and most effective resource of One Orlando Alliance is our collective voice. Your contribution to One Orlando Alliance helps us work to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive community for all LGBTQ+ people. One Orlando Alliance is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and your contributions are tax-deductible.