
Acts of Love and Kindness Kick Off and Bring Kindness to the Table

This is a FREE event! “Tickets” help us know how many volunteers to plan for. Please register through the ticket link.

In partnership with the City of Orlando and the Downtown Arts District, One Orlando Alliance will kick off the Acts of Love and Kindness season with an opening program and park clean up at Langford Park on April 23, 2022, 9am to 12pm sponsored by Valley National Bank.

A brief program at 9am will include remarks from local officials and the unveiling of the “Bring Kindness to the Table” public art project, a partnership between the City of Orlando, One Orlando Alliance and the Downtown Arts District.

Participants will be encouraged to engage in volunteerism, share stories, and strengthen our community through acts of love and kindness in the 49 days between April 25 and June 12, in memory of the 49 Pulse angels. 

Following the program, volunteers will receive materials from Keep Orlando Beautiful to pick up trash, clean graffiti, and sanitize playground equipment in Langford Park and surrounding areas. 

The Acts of Love and Kindness movement began in response to the Pulse tragedy in 2016. Between April 25 and June 12, everyone in Central Florida and beyond is invited to share acts of love and kindness with a list of 49 suggestions developed by the families of Pulse angels and survivors. 

All participants are encouraged to share their photos on social media tagging One Orlando Alliance and #ActLoveGive.

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